Ada Ramzews, born 1988 in Munich, received her dance education in Classical Ballet and Modern Dance at the Ballett-Akademie München / HMTM and at Benedict Manniegel Ballet Academy Munich, where she graduated in a dual study of dance and ballet methodics (Vaganova system) under master guidance of her later-on mentor Prof. Heinz Manniegel.
She was awarded with silver, gold and a special prize at Tanzolymp Berlin in the Modern Dance Category and became a soloist and choreographic assistant in the affiliated Benedict Manniegel Dance Company. Additionally, she accepted a teacher’s position in the School&Academy, took over the production management of the Company and, as a debuty director since 2017, initiated rebranding and redefining Benedict Manniegel Ballet in 2018.
Parallely to her work in the studio, she absolved a B.A. degree in Culture and Science at Fernuniversiät Hagen 2015 and a M.A. degree in Culture and Media Management at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg in 2018. Continuing her academic path, she started her PHD about transferring a socio-philosophical theorem by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari into managememt theory.
Since 2010 she realises her own choreographic projects from solo pieces to full-length storyline ballets: e.g. “Fort:Da” with the composer Eva Sindichakis for the Munich Biennale für Neues Musiktheater 2012, “the Multimove” production with Natalie Bury in the Black Box/Gasteig Munich 2017, the ballet “Hänsel and Gretel” 2019, „The Little Prince“ based on A. de Saint-Exupéry famous story 2022. As a choreographer and performer, she shows her solo pieces on various stages like Schwere Reiter Theater München, Tanz HochX Regensburg or Tanzhaus Zürich. Ada’s choreographic style uses the articulative qualities of the classically trained body to develop a “contemporary ballet” language that highlights the use of “gesture” in all extremities. In 2014 she extended her creative work into another theatrical field by staging and directing her first opera “Orfeo ed Euridice” with the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra at Gasteig München, followed by “Orphée et Euridice” in 2016 und L. Cherubinis “Medée” in 2018 for Oper in Starnberg (OiS). Her stagings – wether opera or dance – live from a consequent purism in stage design and therefore claim a performative “symbolism” through each dramaturgic element.
Ada is a versatile, multidisciplinary artist whose urge to discover various aspects of dance – from creation, transmission to performance and management – keeps her in a continuous and vivid discovery of skills and competences. “My engagement as a teacher, choreographer, performer and manager is infused by the wish to empower, to connect and to make things possible – and visible.”
Photo by Peter Werner